If you have been directed to this page and are interested in purchasing one of Integrated Trading Technologies’ products, here are a couple of steps that need to be completed. You can refer to the picture below for guidance.

  1. In NinjaTrader’s Control Center, you will need to go the Help -> “3rd Party Licensing” menu.
  2. Copy and paste “IntegratedTradingTechnologies” (without the quotes) into the Vendor Name field in the form. as shown below in #2.
  3. Provide a “User Defined ID” in #3.
  4. Press the submit button and copy the machine ID generated in #4 and send it in an email to itt@integratedtradingtech.com .
  5. Once the email with the machine ID is received, we will email you a download link with installation instructions, and validate your license. This process is usually completed in under an hour, however, depending on the time of day it may take up to 6-8 hours.



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